The Wine Doctor by Frederick Adolph Paola

Gerard van Honthorst - The Happy Violinist with a Glass of Wine, 1624
Gerard van Honthorst – The Happy Violinist with a Glass of Wine, 1624


Have you ever thought that *just* the right glass of wine could fix all your troubles? This story’s for you! The author doesn’t usually write on the topic of ‘food’, but I’m sure many readers would place this story in the genre of ‘foodwriting’.

It was a late afternoon in August in the year of our Lord 1930, in year VIII of the Era Fascista.  Dottore Cotrolaò, just back in his second-floor office after a meal of morzeddu washed down with an exceptional local wine from the Savuto Valley, did a double take when he saw who had entered his office as his first patient of the evening. 

It was Ezio Delli Castelli, the wine doctor of Nocera Terinese. A chemist who had made his living chiefly as an oenologist, a specialist in wine making,  he was also a part-time oenopath, a practitioner of the unique healing art of oenopathy. Patients came to him with ailments of various sorts, and he prescribed a course of treatment with this particular wine or that.

To read more of this story go to Bellevue Literary Review.